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How to create good copy for your website: part 1 – plan it

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There comes a time in the life of any website project when you have to write the actual copy for your web pages. Many find this a daunting task while others think it’s relatively quick and easy, only to discover that they’ve badly underestimated the time, thought and skill required to get the job done.

In this post, I take a look at the critical first step to creating good website copy – planning the text that will go on each individual page.

The best time to do this is after you have completed your ‘whole site’ planning – when you have a clear structure and a good idea of the design and layout of the pages and the different media elements (text, graphics, images, audio, video) that will be included on the page.

Your web developer should have asked you lots of probing questions to help you clarify all the important aspects at site level – including the primary and other audiences for your website as a whole and its overall purpose.

Key tip #1

Avoid starting to write actual page copy if you’ve skipped any of this site level planning or are still unclear about anything at this ‘top’ level.

Why? Because you’ll struggle as you drill down into the detail of the site and start to work on individual pages. The more complex your site, the more difficult it will be.

And a couple of things might happen – neither of which are especially desirable.

Creating copy for individual web pages

Once you are sure you are clear about overall structure and direction, you can start thinking about individual pages and what to put on them.

But before you start to write anything, there’s more planning to be done.

Key tip #2

Resist the pressure to start writing before you’ve completed the following planning process for EACH page.

Why? Because page planning will give you a framework that will help you

The page planning process

Take each of your identified pages in turn and jot down brief notes under the following 5 headings: audience, purpose, keyword phrases, content and structure.

I’ve given you some pointers and questions in each case.

You may be a list person or a mind mapper, just use whatever method suits you best.

Your aim is to create a framework within which to actually write the copy for your page.

Whether your approach to writing is to pour words onto the page and hope for the best, or you find it difficult to get started … this will help.

1. Audience

You know who your audiences are for your site as a whole, so now you need to note down your primary audience for this specific page.

2. Purpose

Each page must have a clear purpose.

3. Keyword phrases

On the web all text is searchable. You may have done some work on keywords already with your web developer. At the very least, you should have a clear idea of how important SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is for your site. Even if you are in a very competitive sector when it comes to keywords, your web developer or SEO specialist may have identified some niche opportunities for you or recommended a certain search strategy.

Whatever your SEO position, you will still have lots of readers landing on your pages (however they get there), so we need to make them feel like they’re in the right place.

So, go back to your audience for this page and ask

Key tip #3

Avoid words that you use to describe what you do – unless you are certain they are the same words your audience would use. This is all about them and the way they think – and they are usually trying to find a solution to a problem.

4. Content – the ‘what’ or key facts

Bearing 1 – 3 in mind, now note down WHAT you ideally want to include – the key facts and key points … and here’s the main thing … the key facts and key points that will appeal to your audience and help you achieve your purpose.

5. Structure

Now you know precisely what you want to include on this particular page, it’s time to think about structure.

Every good story has a beginning, a middle, and an end and your web page is no different.

At this point in the planning process, all you need to do is look back over your content or ‘what’ notes and identify a logical progression for those facts.

Indeed, think of it as a story and pretend you are ‘explaining’ the topic of this page to the person you imagined in the ‘audience’ section above.

We’ll get into this in more detail when we get to part 3 in this series (see below).

Wrapping it up

In this post ‘How to create good copy for your website: part 1 – plan it’, I’ve covered:

This may sound like a lot of time to invest before you actually start writing … but it’s actually more about giving conscious thought to these questions than the amount of time it takes.

And you will get to finished copy faster – with less frustration and less time wasted in ‘endless’ edits. Honestly. Trust me.

As Abraham Lincoln once said

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”


Coming up in this series of ‘How to create good web page copy’

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